Arkham Asylum Normal and Easy Trophy Stacking


Welcome to Arkham Asylum, the first title in the Arkham series, released back in 2009, published and developed by Rocksteady Studios. Arkham Asylum has now been remastered on the PS4, so if you never played this before, you can now play it on the PS4. You, Bruce Wayne - aka Batman - have to take down the villains in Arkham Asylum while catching the Joker to return him back to where he belongs, behind bars, after escaping from the Penitentiary in the first place.

The trophy list for Arkham Asylum is mostly story driven; the only difficulty you will be struggling with are the combat and predator challenges. As ever with an open-world map, there are collectibles and there are a lot of them. In total, there are 240 riddles to collect, which involve riddle trophies, riddles, Joker teeth, Chronicles of Arkham and Interview Tapes. There are also two missable trophies in this game, but with the guide, you shouldn't have any problems.

Note: This is an autosave game only. It saves every time you enter/exit a new area, so keep this in mind when collecting the collectibles as these will not save once picked up. If you log out of your PS3/4 without entering a new area, then you will have to pick those collectibles up again.


Step 1: Play through the game on the hardest difficulty.

Personally, I would recommend you play on hard from the off. The only real differences are the enemies are a tad harder to defeat plus there are no counter attack icons. It will get easier as you get more gadgets, but I would recommend stealth wherever possible. If in combat, always use the attack evade maneuver ( double tap ). Also, don't forget about the two missable trophies, otherwise you'll have to start a NG+.

Step 2: Collectibles.

You can try to smash/scan/pick any up you see along the way to make life easier, but it's recommended that you do this after you've beaten the story as you have free-roam plus most if not all the weapon upgrades available to you (depending on what you upgrade throughout the story).

In total there are 240 riddles. These break down into the following:

  • Riddles
  • Riddler Trophies
  • Joker Teeth
  • Chronicles of Arkham
  • Patient Interviews

Step 3 Free-roam clean-up.

Use this step to clean any remaining trophies you may have left.

Step 4 Combat and Predator challenges.

Before you start these challenge rooms, make sure you have all the riddles, upgrades and combat upgrades unlocked from free-play, as collecting the riddles is what unlocks the challenge rooms.

This is where you will be spending most of your time. The combat challenges shouldn't prove too difficult; just use the attack and evade maneuver while mixing in quickfire gadgets to keep your combo going. Shock and Awe Extreme will be the one that will cause you the most stress.

In total, there are 3 medals to collect per Combat and Predator room, for a grand total of 68 medals.

[PST would like to thank Combatting for this Roadmap]

  • Complete story mode on Easy difficulty

    See Biggest Bang for more information.

  • Complete story mode on Normal difficulty

    See Biggest Bang for more information.

  • Complete story mode on Hard difficulty

    Story related, and cannot be missed.
    Once you defeat Joker as a Titan, you will earn the trophy according to the difficulty you selected.

    In order to defeat Joker as a Titan, avoid and evade his attacks. He will eventually jump up and leave you alone. He will then send several of his henchmen to attack you. After defeating his henchmen, you will notice Joker being distracted by helicopters. Shoot your grappling hook into his back and pull him down. Repeat this process 3 times to earn the trophy and win the game.

  • KO all the henchmen celebrating your arrival at the party

    On your way to the final confrontation with Joker, you will notice his henchmen wearing party hats, clapping and cheering you on at the entrance. They will not attack you unless you attack them. You need to beat them all up (the first few outside the main door first and then all them inside before moving on) in order to get this trophy. If you do not attack them or miss one, then you will have to play a second game all the way through to the final confrontation to have another go at it.

    Note: If you haven't already done so, this is a great spot to all Freeflow combo trophies (5x, 10x, 20x, 40x and a combo with all batman's moves.)

  • Complete a combo of 20 moves (any play mode)

    See Freeflow Combo 40 for more information.

  • Complete a combo of 40 moves (any play mode)

    Easiest way to do this is to punch () and then evade ()x2. Continually repeat the pattern of punching someone then jumping over to evade to avoid being hit to keep your combo going. The only challenging part to getting a 40 hit combo is having enough enemies. If you did not get this in the story then simply pick a Freeflow challenge map with enough enemies to get it done.

  • Glide continuously for over 100m

    The best (and I believe only) place to do this would be at the top of the Clock Tower on top of the Arkham Mansion. Once you climb/grapple to the highest point, run and jump off holding to glide. Avoid other buildings and obstacles to get the longest flight distance you can. If the distance is over 100m, then you will earn the trophy.

  • String up one henchman and drop him to surprise a second (any play mode).

    Note: You can only preform this move and earn this trophy after you have acquired the Inverted Takedown Upgrade.

    During any silent predator encounter (in the story or in the challenge mode) grapple up to a gargoyle. When any enemy walks under you press triangle for an inverted takedown. Now grapple away to another gargoyle. Watch as his teammates come over to check and see who is yelling. Shoot a Batarang at the rope you hung the enemy by to "surprise" the onlookers. You will earn the trophy when he drops to the ground.

  • Defeat Titan henchman without using Batarangs (any play mode)

    This can be done in the story or in the challenge rooms that contain Titans. See Double Trouble. If you missed this in the story, here is a video of it being done in a challenge room:

    Here is an alternate way to unlock this trophy:

    1. go to 4th round challenge Rumble in the Jungle
    2. ignore the Titan and beat all henchmen first
    3. lure the Titan on explosion gel on floor (with Auto Proximity Detonator upgrade)
    4. beat the Titan in one sequence (he won't stand up)

    Credit to Paragon45 for this method.

  • Catch a Batarang (any play mode)

    Note: You can only preform this move and earn this trophy after you have acquired the Remote Control Batarang Upgrade.

    This is most easily done outdoors on the grounds of either Arkham East, West or North. Simply select your remote control Batarang with the directional pad, and then throw it. While it is in flight you can control it. Fly it back to hit Batman, and instead of it hitting him, he will catch it and reward you with the trophy.

  • Complete a combo of 5 moves (any play mode)

    See Freeflow Combo 40 for more information.

  • Complete a combo of 10 moves (any play mode)

    See Freeflow Combo 40 for more information.

  • Perform a perfect combo including all of Batman's combat moves (any play mode)

    Note: Before attempting this trophy you will need a few upgrades and gadgets unlocked first:

    • Throw Upgrade needs to be unlocked
    • Takedown Upgrade needs to be unlocked
    • Batarang Combo needs to be unlocked (allows Batarangs to be part of your combo)
    • Batclaw Gadget must be unlocked (from the progress in the story)
    • Combo meter upgraded from 8 hits to 5 hits (not needed, but makes it easier)

    There are 9 moves that must be performed in one combo:

    Note: If you get hit before doing all 9 moves, then you need to start over and still do all 9 moves. However, if you do all 9 moves and then get hit, you will still get the trophy. Here is a video to show a possible perfect combo.

  • Ride Titan henchman and knock down 10 thugs (any play mode)

    A good place in the story for this is after Killer Croc's Lair. You will clean the water by shutting down pumps. After shutting down the pumps you will face one Titan and several henchmen. Use the Batarang then evade method to stun them. Then go in to give them a beat down. Once he drops to a knee, jump on to ride him and get him to flail wildly, striking at least 10 enemies.

    If you miss this in the story another place to get this is in the Freeflow Challenge maps with Titans. Here is a video showing Freakshow Rodeo done in a challenge map:

  • Achieve 8 medals on combat challenges

    See Freeflow Gold for more information.

  • Achieve 16 medals on combat challenges

    See Freeflow Gold for more information.

  • Achieve 24 medals on combat challenges

    There are 8 combat rooms for you to gain medals in. Each room will net you 3 medals providing you reach the target scores. These combat rooms shouldn't pose much of a problem, the only one that will cause much grief is Shock and Awe (Extreme).

    To gain the maximum score possible, try to keep your combo up while mixing all 9 of Batman's moves in wherever possible, as this will net you 5000 points at the end of the round. You will also gain 500 points for not being hit (Dark Knight Bonus) along with 5000 points at the end of the 4th round (providing you don't get hit on all 4 rounds), and 1000 points for a Perfect Freeflow (chaining your attacks without missing).

    Intensive Treatment

    • x1 medal - 6000
    • x2 medal - 12000
    • x3 medal - 18000

    This room is pretty easy, and shouldn't cause you much problems. Try to avoid any unnecessary hits to gain the maximum points.

    Sewer Bat

    • x1 medal - 6000
    • x2 medal - 12000
    • x3 medal - 18000

    This room is pretty easy. Once you get to round 2, you will start to come across henchmen with knives. These cannot be punched, you will have to stun them first. Alternatively, you can use your Special Combo Takedown on them.

    Shock and Awe

    • x1 medal - 10000
    • x2 medal - 20000
    • x3 medal - 30000

    This room shouldn't prove too much stress. The first round is pretty standard. Onto the second round, you will encounter electric batons for the first time, the best way around these is the Batarang otherwise just jump over them and hit them in the back. Round 3 will have 2 henchmen with knives, and round 4 will have electric batons and knives in play.

    You are going up against a timer (in top the right-hand corner), the standard map gives you 1 minute 30 seconds to complete each round.

    Rumble in the Jungle

    • x1 medal - 10000
    • x2 medal - 20000
    • x3 medal - 30000

    Round 1 is pretty standard but will have 1 henchman with a knife in play. Round two just has normal henchmen, but watch out for them tearing items from the wall and throwing them at you. Round 3 will have an electric baton in play along with a henchman with a knife. Round 4 will have standard henchmen as well as a Titan.

    Intensive Treatment (Extreme)

    • x1 medal - 10000
    • x2 medal - 20000
    • x3 medal - 30000

    Round 1-3 will just have your standard henchmen; however, in round 2 the weapon locker will become active. You will know when a henchman is trying to gain access as a siren will be going off along with a red light. Round 4 will have 1 knife henchman.

    Sewer Bat (Extreme)

    • x1 medal - 10000
    • x2 medal - 30000
    • x3 medal - 50000

    Round 1-2 will have standard henchmen, however, during round 2 they will be tearing items from the wall, and throwing them at you. In round 3 there is one knife henchman also, they will be going for the weapon lockers during this round. Round 4 just has standard henchmen; however, as with round 3 they will be going for the weapon lockers.

    Shock and Awe (Extreme)

    • x1 medal - 10000
    • x2 medal - 20000
    • x3 medal - 30000

    During round 1 you will have 2 knife henchmen. In round 1 it is highly advised to get the Dark Knight bonus, Perfect Freeflow bonus along with using all 9 of Batman's moves to get the max variety bonus. By the time you've finished round 1, you should have around 11000-15000 points. Round 2 will introduce two electric batons plus standard henchmen; however, there is always one that will run to the weapons locker. Round 3 will have 1 knife henchman and 1 electric baton in play. Round 4 will have 3 electric batons and 2 knife henchmen in play.

    Don't forget that you are being timed. You can see the timer in the same position; however, this time you will have 1 minute per round, so you have to be quick otherwise the floor will be electrified, and it's game over. If you get the 11000-15000 points during round 1, then just try to kill the henchmen in round 2-4 as quickly as possible using quick-throw Batarangs to disarm the enemies with electric batons also using the Special Takedown upgrade.

    Rumble in the Jungle (Extreme)

    • x1 medal - 30000
    • x2 medal - 40000
    • x3 medal - 50000

    Round 1 will have 1 knife henchman and 1 electric baton in play. Round 2 will have an electric baton plus Titan in play. Round 3 will have 2 electric batons plus 2 knife henchmen in play. In round 4, you will have two Titans to deal with, but standard henchmen.

  • Achieve 8 medals on predator challenges

    See Predator Gold for more information.

  • Achieve 16 medals on predator challenges

    See Predator Gold for more information.

  • Achieve 24 medals on predator challenges

    There are 8 predator rooms to play each netting 3 medals each.

    For an in-depth video walkthrough of each room on how to get these medals,you can view the following thread Predator Challenge Room Supplement.

  • Complete one predator challenge by using only Silent Takedowns

    Can easily be done on the first predator room "Silent Knight". Simply take down all the enemies using Silent Takedowns from behind.

    For a visual walkthrough, see the following video:

  • Complete one combat challenge without taking damage

    Can easily be done on the first combat challenge room, "Intensive Treatment". Simply attack and evade.  You'll know if you've done this right as you will be getting the Dark Knight bonus each round (500 points), then Perfect Knight at the end of round 4 (5000 points).

    For a visual walkthrough, see the following video:

    You'll know if you've done this right as you will be getting the Dark Knight bonus each round (500 points), then Perfect Knight at the end of round 4 (5000 points).

  • Solve every riddle on the island

    This is where you will be spending your time post-game. There are 240 collectibles in total, which break down into the following:

    • Riddles
    • Riddle Trophies
    • Chronicle of Arkham
    • Interview Tapes
    • Joker Teeth

    To get these, you will need at least all your gadgets available to you as well as some that need to be upgraded.

    For an in-depth text guide, you can refer to this thread Arkham Asylum Collectibles Guide (Text)

    Warning : The collectibles DO NOT autosave. You will have to enter a new area for them to save, so keep that in mind when logging your PS3/4 off.

  • Solve 5% of riddler challenges

    See Crack The E Nigma for more information.

  • Solve 10% of riddler challenges

    See Crack The E Nigma for more information.

  • Solve 25% of riddler challenges

    See Crack The E Nigma for more information.

  • Solve 40% of riddler challenges

    See Crack The E Nigma for more information.

  • Solve 55% of riddler challenges

    See Crack The E Nigma for more information.

  • Solve 70% of riddler challenges

    See Crack The E Nigma for more information.

  • Solve 85% of riddler challenges

    See Crack The E Nigma for more information.

  • Spirit of Amadeus Arkham revealed

    Once you've scanned all but 1 (23/24) Chronicle of Arkham head back Penitentiary building in Arkham West. From here head to the Security Control Room to where you will find Commissioner Gordon behind the glass cell. Turn around to find a set of stairs. Head up them, and on the floor will be the last Chronicle of Arkham.

    For a visual reference, see the following video:

  • To achieve the Perfect Knight rating, you'll need to have done the following:

    This will most likely be your last trophy in the game, and where you will be spending the most time, especially the challenge rooms and collectibles.

  • Take down Zsasz in the Patient Pacification Chamber

    Story related, and cannot be missed.
    This trophy will be earned once you sneak up, take out Zsasz from behind, and rescue the hostage.

  • Rescue the guards and henchman from the Joker toxin in Decontamination

    During story progression, a room will fill up with gas. You must turn off the gas to proceed. Before turning off the gas, make sure to rescue both Arkham guards first and then save the one Joker henchman in order to get this trophy.

  • Survive the onslaught from the deformed Joker henchman

    Story related, and cannot be missed.
    Take out Joker's first attempt at trying to make Venom-enhanced Titan henchmen. When he charges at you, just throw a Batarang with and quickly dodge his attack by left or right while pressing x2. After running into the wall, he will become stunned and you can beat upon him ferociously. After defeating him, you will earn the trophy.

  • Escape from Intensive Treatment to the island surface

    Story related, and cannot be missed.
    Continue to follow your path through the amazing story. When you finally go outside and can see your first overview of the asylum, the trophy will pop.

  • Save all the doctors in medical

    Story related, and cannot be missed.
    Several doctors have been taken hostage in the Medical building. Once you've rescued all of them, and they are safe, you will earn the trophy. To locate them just follow the red, blue, and yellow lines on the floor.

  • Survive the nightmare of the Scarecrow's fear gas

    Story related, and cannot be missed.
    Throughout the story you will get introduced to Scarecrow's fear gas. You'll have to survive this dream-like challenge to continue on. In order to survive and progress through the story, avoid the Scarecrow's gaze by hiding or ducking behind walls and obstacles. Eventually, you will defeat him with a search light and earn the trophy.

  • Story related, and cannot be missed.
    Treat Bane like the first Joker Titan you faced. When he charges at you, just throw a Batarang with and quickly dodge left or right while pressing x2 and a direction to avoid his attack. After running into the wall, he will become stunned and you can beat upon him ferociously and rip out his Venom tubes. Just repeat this pattern until finally defeating him and earning the trophy.

  • Gain access to Administration after it is locked down by the Joker

    Story related, and cannot be missed.
    Continue through the story. Once you enter this building, you will earn this trophy.

  • Face your biggest fears and keep your sanity

    Story related, and cannot be missed.
    This is the second time you will be affected by Scarecrow's fear gas. Just like the first time, you'll have to survive this dream like challenge to continue on. In order to survive, avoid Scarecrow's gaze by hiding or ducking behind walls and obstacles. Eventually, you will defeat him with a search light, and earn the trophy.

  • Save Dr. Young from being killed by Victor Zsasz

  • Capture and lock up Harley Quinn

    Story related, and cannot be missed.
    While progressing through the story, you will take out Harley's goons in the Penitentiary while avoiding the electric floor. After being successful, you will watch a cut scene and earn the trophy.

  • Defeat two Titan Henchmen at once

    Story related, and cannot be missed.
    Joker will escape leaving you with 2 Titans to deal with. I recommend going for Mano-A-Mano trophy at this time as well. To do this DO NOT use your Batarangs on these Titans. Instead when one runs towards you, just evade and dodge. Now when the second one runs at you let him run into the first that came after you. This will stun them both. Now beat upon one until he takes a knee, and then ride him. Use his flailing and wildly swinging arms to hurt the other Titan. Eventually, he will take a knee and you'll be forced off the one you're on. Once, you are forced off, go to the other Titan (now taking a knee)and hit to hop on him for another ride. Keep repeating this for both trophies.

  • Conquer the effects of the Scarecrow's fear gas

    Story related, and cannot be missed.
    This is the third and final time you will be affected by Scarecrow's fear gas. Just like the first two times, you'll have to survive this dream like challenge to continue on. In order to survive, avoid Scarecrow's gaze by hiding or ducking behind walls and obstacles. Eventually, you will defeat him with a series of search lights, and earn the trophy.

  • Venture into Killer Croc's lair and come out alive

    Story related, and cannot be missed.
    Eventually you will progress through the story far enough to reach Killer Croc's lair. You will be tasked with getting some anti-venom in this area. Before walking out into the lair you will put some explosive gel onto the floor to ensure your safety when trying to make an escape. Walk along the planks using the range meter to figure out the right direction to go in this maze like lair. Eventually, Croc will spring up and start running after you. Simply turn and face him while holding to aim a Batarang at his collar and force him back into the water. Upon collecting your last anti-venom sample, Killer Croc will become more dangerous and you'll have to run from him instead of hitting him with Batarangs. Again you'll use your meter to figure out where the exit is, and upon reaching it be ready to blow your explosive gel you laid out in the beginning. This will stop Killer Croc from catching you when you try to escape the lair. You will earn the trophy after springing the trap and escaping.

  • Defeat the giant Titan Ivy plant

    Story related, and cannot be missed.
    Once you finally reach Poison Ivy's final battle, you will have to defeat her in a giant plant. The plant will first try to attack you with thorns that grow from the ground. Look for the indicator of where they will pop up and use the x2 and a direction to evade them. The plant will then start to shoot red poison at you. Again avoid the attack but throw Batarangs at the same time as this is when Ivy will be vulnerable to attack. Repeat the process until her health is gone and the plant reaches your level. Put some explosive gel where Ivy is and detonate it. You will now have to repeat the process a second time. The only thing different in the second phase is that you will have to dispatch a few guards that will be under Ivy's control as well. You will earn the trophy once Ivy and her giant plant is defeated.

  • Once you have all other trophies, you will earn the platinum and personally feel like BATMAN!


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